Thursday, 20 December 2012

Apple's 'pinch-to-zoom' patent rejected by US agency

The US Patent and Trademark Office has rejected Apple's 'pinch-to-zoom' patent in a preliminary ruling that Samsung Electronics argues supports its request for a new trial in the patent war against its rival..

The US Patent and Trademark Office has rejected Apple's 'pinch-to-zoom' patent in a preliminary ruling that Samsung Electronicsargues supports its request for a new trial in the patent war against its rival.

Apple scored a sweeping legal victory over its South Korean competitor in August when a US jury found Samsung had copied critical features of the hugely popular iPhone and iPad and awarded Apple $1.05 billion in damages.

The 'pinch-to-zoom' patent, US patent no. 7,844,915, was one of the patents contested at that trial. The jury ruled that Samsung had infringed six of seven Apple patents.

When the US patent office rules against a patent, the full process involves multiple steps and can take years. It can also often be appealed in court, further tying up the process.

The ruling by the US patent office after Samsung requested an examination of the patent was included in documents filed by Samsung in a federal court in San Jose, California.

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